
Welcome Spring! What took you so long?!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Postcard of Interest--SHOW AND TELL

Here is a postcard I found really interesting. It's from DSW Shoes. I L O V E shoes and the postcard intrigued me because it showed me what shoes are new in the store and let me know that they are now available. On the flip side I'm told that the more I buy the more I can save. How exciting! Problem is, money's tight so I probably won't buy anything but it's still a good postcard.
It's an oversized card so it gets my immediate attention. The size of it seems to say that it's important and shouldn't be overlooked. I'm not too crazy about the overall style of it. It's a little plain but it does show what different types of shoes are now available.


  1. It's a good marketing technique to have coupons on a postcard (obviously), but it's even better that they were able to design the postcard so they could fit three coupons on it

  2. I agree with Meg. I prefer large coupon postcards since I won't be able to lose them easily. I always lose the standard 4x5 cards. Especially from Ultrecht!!
